
Saturday, March 27, 2010

We Are THe World

Why HUMAN been created?
Evan they've seriously damaged the Earth.

And now God has gave us a chance to change,
Remembering why we're born,
Encourage people to stay alive.

This is the moment we'll show HIM!
Holding hand by hand,
Extend our love.

Wake up,
Open your eyes,
Raise up your hands,
Lend out your hands,
Do never give up!

Thursday, March 18, 2010



天蝎座像梅杜莎,与生俱来的敏锐和洞察力,让天蝎座拥有聪颖的天资。他们知道自己的优势在哪里,宛如梅杜莎知道自己的优点。聪明的天蝎座比一般人容易抓出 事情的核心,但理解不代表会复制学习,天蝎座被动丶信心不足,遇到事情常会评估再三,容易裹足不前,错失良机。而且,不论天蝎座再怎麽聪明丶综观全局,他 仍会在爱情上做自残似的妥协。以为自己的让步或装聋作哑能够获得情人的回头与至爱,但往往适得其反!

天蝎座像梅杜莎,慢热的他们常会在不熟的人面前摆出酷样,话少丶冷漠地观察陌生的环境,常让第一次接触天蝎座的人觉得他们不好相处。有些天蝎则会因为不 安,拼命拿出绝活搞笑,生怕气氛冷掉。但其实这种故意扮谐星的天蝎座,私下根本不是这麽回事,甚至是很悲观丶没自信的。反倒是一开始摆酷的天蝎座,个性还 比较天真一点。

天蝎座像梅杜莎,容易不小心就伤害到最爱的人。天蝎座对於越熟的人,越会口不择言。就算爱,他也会言不由衷,不小心就吐出带有毒液的话语。那些带刺的话, 不是让听得人尴尬石化,就是把气氛搞得很僵。但其实他们是标准的刀子嘴豆腐心,面对真得很恨的人,他才懒得花力气骂他。如果天蝎座常惹你生气,甚至让你觉 得有点白目,相信我,那是因为他很信任你,才会在你面前流露出他孩子气的一面。

Facebook copy 来的, 准到让我开始害怕心里测验

Monday, March 8, 2010


Still online during monthly so pro ==

Monthly test ar monthly test..can U come a little bit longer coz i dunwan things pass away so fast
I scared of losing my friends here TT

Time passed..
Never STOP
I hate when thinking of losing comunicate with my friends after this year

When will time stop?
Is it really need to wait until the end of the world?
or just until i die...

I love u all MY FRIENDS

While i am thinking and exploring to my image future
I saw my self...
with no happiness,  friends..
all i got on my face were Death and Despair

Walking along the street against people,
keep walking until i've loosen my mind
and without thinking
I had closely become..
a Death Man

and what's waiting for a Death man was
an Endless Future
keep walking..walking...walking n walk...                  end..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Many many many things to say~~

I should start from where leh?? Hmm..i'll start the story about things happen during CNY. During CNY, everyone is shouting crazy, exciting, damn high, lazy, n the most importantly...THEY WEAR NICELY  xD. Hahahah! But i feel moody, sadly, unspoken, n the most importantly...I WEAR WHITELY. Aiya, mostly everyone know already larr...coz someone his speaker so big n sensitive lar! He 一传十,十传百..then my friends all know d..zzz

Ok...sad story is over..then after CNY. After CNY i din present in school coz the sad story. Then after 1 week i go back to continue study, suddenly many homeworks waiting me to be done. I say:" WASEH!!! SO FEW ARR??", then they say:" STILL HAVE MORE BEHIND LEHH!!" = =ll..they dunno i was juz kiding meh? They really so mean to me T.T

Then come another Pendidikan Moral folio, i haven touched "them" yet since the day before CNY..hahaha!! I know many would be same as me xD...but really ned to do already..really................