
Friday, November 6, 2009

Buzy day@@

Today go badminton with many people, like Clement,Jo, KL, Racheal, WL, LY, ZX GJ, Dur, Ivan, WK, YL, WQ, n more more..cant type it all out..lazy>.<"

XC cant show up cz his father dunwan him to waste money -.-

After we meet at school's pondok, then we go mamak to eat breakfast..i jz drank a cup teh ice n a roti canai, almost cant finish cz i din eat breakfast since a long time ald..LOL
  Too bad Clement din come to eat, he wil eat more if he come..jz kiding =P

Then we go EngAnn court to play, the first thing we saw before we go in to court, many unty uncle exercising beside the court..LOL

We steped into the court then saw so many people inside playing badminton...then i saw dur playing n jz 1 court...i ask y jz got 1 court ony then dur say ald left 1 after he went there...>.<"  zadao..i though less people play there cz friday

I started warm up 1st with WL, then we play 1 match, after that i change team mate..i felt sry for WL cz he din play alot...he oso din ask for practicing with others =.=
After several match, i team with LY, i made the team lose..>.< cz too much presure double with LY, if i show mistake then he show me his sad, disgusting, ugly n many type of emotion ** face to me...LOL
I WANNA BE STRONGER!!! dur lar, keep asking me to hit the balls to him for training, then when i say i oso wan train he say:" WAIT.." the end didn't
Bt im the one too until i say myself a noob>.<"

10:10, Clement, Jo, WL, Racheal, ZX, n Gary went kp to play we go McDonald 1st cz hungry...after that got enery ald, we go bowling n  saw many people oso -.-
Actually we got deal that we seperate into 2 groups then we see which marks higher then balanja cancel ald n i dunno y...LOL...actually my group win de lor [me,WL n Gary]

Clement take many pic during bowling, ltr if i got those pic n Jo videossss then i postXD

2:10...they go back school n left me, WL n n WL got tuition so we jz teman Clement for awhile

At tuition, we both sleepy cz too tired, many activities today n im feeling the pain in my whole got muscle aldXD...cant show cz too

then we go home..=.="" lazy type ending >.<